Ruby advance hash learning
Hi, This is Shubham Mishra from India, this is the part of Ruby on Rails exploration journey. In this post we will discuss about the advance ruby's hash concept and I am sure you will get excited to make your hands dirty with those code, so why to wait let's get started... If you already read my previous post on Ruby hash and its methods then you can easily find out the key difference between this post and that post after completing the reading of this one. But if you didn't read or if you are not sure how ruby's hash works, then you can go to read the basics and then can easily understand this complex hash post. Till the time we may have seen the hash as in key, value pair and mostly key is in String or Symbol type. But it's not limited to this only, In ruby the key of the Hash can be a Data type, Array, A complex (nested) array or even the ruby's Kernel. Yes, you read correctly, But ...